domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Million dollar settlement and Ochoa Reza suspicious of the federal comicion electricity in Mexico

Million dollar settlement and Ochoa Reza suspicious of the federal comicion electricity in Mexico

On July 8, 2016 was the last day of Enrique Ochoa Reza at the head of the Federal Electricity Commission. On that date, very determined, he went to the Labor Relations Management of the company and asked to be given the "most comprehensive and effective" settlement: one million 725 thousand 209 pesos.

But do not worry, because you would have to subtract taxes that chequesote ... so the "effective" settlement was reduced to only one million 206 thousand 271 bucks.

Homer Simpson - GIF - Rocks.

According to research they published Mexicoleaks process and the current national leader of the PRI, who by the way, the "anti-corruption czar" proclaimed himself - charged five times more wool rightful.

If we have to put it another way, it is as if the CFE would have paid Mr. an estimated $ 6.809 pesos per day .. which is equivalent to two extra days of salary for each week he was on their payroll.

Check Ochoa Reza

But that's not all, ladies and gentlemen, because as it says a lawyer specializing in labor law, the amount mentioned did not need to get into the pockets of officials, due to a simple reason: it separated voluntarily from office.

Jackie Chan - Meme - WTF

If we take into account the provisions of the first fraction of Article 33 of Workbook Command Public Servants CFE Ochoa he should not have received tremendous liquidation, as this says states:

"In cases of voluntary separation from any cause", the Federal Electricity Commission "grant compensation," the official only after this has completed three years of service.

It is not to be a killjoy, but the manual says.

Article fraction of the CFE

This same fraction of the manual also mentions that, for workers who quit voluntarily, provides for a settlement of 20 days salary for each year of service.

Did we forget to mention that Ochoa Reza only worked for 2 years and 155 days? Well, it was.

Well, well ... that gave him all that money when there were still 7 months to meet the requirement of 3 years of service.

Voluntary separation was documented in a letter sent to "Dear Mr. President" Enrique Peña Nieto from the July 8, 2016.

Ochoa Reza letter to Peña Nieto

Among which are pears or apples are, Ochoa Reza says that his whole liquidation process was legal, since it is identical to that have carried out their predecessors in the past 15 years.

Dr. House - GIF


Finally, as with the settlement agreed well with the CFE, Ochoa Reza lacked only cash your check.

On August 24 he went to the Special Board No. 5 Conciliation and Arbitration with Castelán Olguin, the assistant manager of Labor Relations of the company, which presented an agreement out of court and prepared the same day, for the official end their employment relationship with the company.

It is not the first time a public official gets huge sums of money for one reason or another, but neither is left over will know where everything we pay our utility company.

Maybe this is all part of the famous Challenge PRI .

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